Southeastern, OH | (740) 577-8732

In Southeastern, OH

Patterson Auctioneering Assists with a Variety of Public Auction Needs

Do you need quality assistance with auctioneering in Southeastern, Ohio? Count on Patterson Auctioneering. Our auctioneering business knows that you need to sell property, belongings, estates, and more from time to time. That’s why we offer exceptional assistance with public auctions, estate auctions, and consignment auctions. If you have property you need, or want to sell, contact our experienced staff today at (740) 577-8732 for more great information. We are located at 1115 Barton Road in Southeastern, Ohio.

Trust Our Experienced Auctioneering Business for Public Auctions

Our excellent staff has the knowledge and expertise for an effective public auction. We work with government officials for determining how to distribute a variety of properties. Here are some of the public auctions we run:
  • Rights to Transmit Signals on Brands of Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Customs: Seized and Smuggled Items
  • Defense: military surplus
  • Police auction: proceeds of crime
  • Post Office, Transport: lost property
  • Warrant Sale: Assets of Debtors
  • Tax Sale: Seized Assets
  • Court Auctions
  • Insolvent Companies
  • Unowned Property

Superior Consignment Auctions for Your Heavy Equipment Needs

We know that you may have heavy equipment that has outlived its usefulness. Our skilled team works with your business to get rid of your old, unwanted equipment. Your auctioneer then works to find it a new home through our auction process. Here are some of our consignment auction items:
  • Animal Feeders
  • Construction
  • Equipment
  • Fence Posts
  • Lawn Tractors
  • Rolls of Wire
  • Tractors
  • Utility and Equipment
  • Trailers
  • UTVs
  • Water Troughs
  • Wheel Weights

Estate Auctions for When You Move and When a Loved One Passes Away

Our compassionate workers know that it can be hard dealing with making a move. The same goes for when someone we love passes away. Whether the estate orders it, or if you want it done yourself, contact Patterson Auctioneering. Our skilled auctioneer can walk you through the process, and show you how you can disperse your property.

Schedule an Appointment for Any Auction You Need Done

Running an auction can be a challenge. That’s why you should count on our superior auctioneer for superb service. We will work with you to come up with a plan that works with your budget. If you need help with estate auctions, consignment auctions, or public auctions, reach us today.